Hope for the drifting

by | May 1, 2023

There’s an old book called ‘Outwitting the Devil.’

It’s not a Christian book, but it identifies a problem every Christian must be aware of and confront.

And that problem is drifting.

Drifting happens when you stop thinking for yourself and allow your circumstances or feelings to pull you in a negative direction.

We are most susceptible to drifting when we’re in a state of fear…

Like fear of poverty, criticism, missing out, ill health, loss of something or someone we value, or death.

I mention this topic for an important reason…

No one can drift their way into serving God with their lives.

When we’re adrift, we forget our purpose…

And unchallenged, drifting puts you in a funk.

So if you’re going to live the life God intends for you…

You must know how to reverse drifting.

And here are three biblical ways how…

Shift from fear to faith

Replace brooding over fears with faith — “the assurance of things hoped for and conviction of things not seen” (Heb. 11:1).

Redirect your thoughts

Drifting begins and ends in your mind — so take every thought captive to the obedience of Christ (2 Cor. 10:5).

Practice active obedience

Change the trajectory of your behavior by asking God how He wants you to obey Him — and do it! (Lk. 11:28).

The next time you notice yourself drifting…

Realize the devil is seeking to immobilize you and keep you from the good God calls you to do with your life.

He wants you to curl up and quit.

And get sucked into a life of meaningless despair.

But you can quit drifting and act purposefully.


Greater is He who is in you than he who is in the world (1 Jn. 4:4).

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