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Your Wife is Your Battle-Mate
Not just a partner—a co-warrior in God's kingdom... Men, how do you see your wife? Peter Leithart recently pointed out that when God created Eve, He...
The power of your imagination
Redirecting your thoughts to truth, goodness, and beauty... Your imagination is one of the greatest gifts God has given you. But like any gift, how...
Jesus, Our Forerunner
From His victory to ours... The Bible calls Jesus a forerunner (Hebrews 6:20). In ancient times, this was a military term for those who went ahead...
How Spiritual Drift Happens (and How to Get Back on Track)
Spiritual drift doesn’t happen overnight. It’s subtle. You skip times of prayer... Scripture reading becomes optional... Convictions get blurred....
The most important person in the world
Why the Holy Spirit remains central to God's purpose today... Who is the most important person in the world today? The answer might surprise you....
Is There an Order to Love?
Love has priorities--and that's a good thing... Vice President Vance recently pointed out that love has an order. It begins with family, then...
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“I love the way this material is helping my marriage. It’s not that it’s specifically about marriage, but a better marriage is what’s emerging as I’m understanding more about God’s call on my life as a man.”