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Small acts, big impact

God’s kingdom grows from the smallest of actions. Jesus tells us the kingdom is like a man scattering seed on the ground, which sprouts and...

God’s sovereign wind

God is sovereign over everything--absolutely everything. Even hurricanes, as "stormy winds do His bidding" (Ps. 148:8). This connection between...

The price of patience

God's plans extend far beyond our own. This can leave us restless, anxious, and impatient — especially when we crave quick solutions and clear...

Living in the future

It’s all too common to live in the past. Some dwell on failures, replaying mistakes they can't undo. Others bask in distant accomplishments, content...

Disillusioned with politics?

Are you disillusioned with politics? So much so that you hardly give it attention? If so, let me encourage you to re-engage... Politics, at its...

Kevin W. Testimonial | Made for Dominion Ministries Blog | Lakeland, FL

“I love the way this material is helping my marriage. It’s not that it’s specifically about marriage, but a better marriage is what’s emerging as I’m understanding more about God’s call on my life as a man.”

–Kevin W.

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