Welcome to Made for Dominion Ministries
I’m David Bostrom, founder and director of Made for Dominion Ministries. I’m glad you’re here.
What’s our story?
I founded this ministry with the help and encouragement of several wise and capable friends at the end of 2019.
After serving 21 years as a pastor, spending three decades raising sons, and continually watching men struggle with basic life issues — such as who they are and what they’re supposed to do in today’s world– I decided to try and help.
The ministry began with some emails, my book Get Dominion, and a group of nine guys meeting at 6:45 on Tuesday mornings. About seven months later we launched another group.
Now, thankful for God’s blessing on our work so far, we’re excited to see what He does as we expand our offline efforts and seek to reach others online. And we’d love to have you be a part of it all.
Who do we serve?
We serve men who want to discover who God made them to be, and then carry out what He calls them to do… in every area of life.
If you’re a man who believes God has created you for something more in life, you’re in the right place.
Or, if you already have an idea what God intends for you, and you want some direction and ongoing encouragement, you’re also in the right place.
(And… if you’re a woman who’s interested in encouraging the men in your life to be all God wants them to be, you’re certainly welcome here too!)
What do we do?
We help men become solid in the identity and purpose God has given them so they can fulfill His calling on their lives.
We do this by providing resources grounded in the Bible’s first instruction for mankind, where God says He made us in His image and commissioned us to rule and cultivate the world for Him (Gen.1:26-28; 2:15).
This commission — known as the Dominion Mandate — remains in force today, and will be fulfilled through the grace and authority of the Lord Jesus Christ as He extends His kingdom across the world (Mt.28:18-20).
The resources we provide include: daily emails, publications, small group materials, online cohorts, as well as guidance and support for pastors and other leaders.
If you have any questions about how we can help you, send us a message.
Get the FREE E-Mail Crash Course to Discover Your God-Given Identity
What’s Next?
To further connect and join us in our effort to equip men for their God-given purpose…

Sign Up for the Free Course
Self-awareness regarding your true identity is essential to knowing and fulfilling God’s purpose for you. This course is delivered by email over five days. Get it now.

Get the Book "Get Dominion"
Which provides the biblical framework and applications necessary for any man to live out His purpose in the areas God calls him. Purchase your own copy.

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“In a day of shifting cultural ideas about genders and roles, Made For Dominion Ministries guides us toward God’s good purpose for manhood – to lead, build up, cultivate, protect, steward and love all he has put in our lives.“