Getting back to the real you

by | Jun 8, 2023

After completing his famous statue ‘David,’ Michelangelo was asked how he made such a marvelous piece of art.

The master craftsman answered by explaining how he starts with a block of marble and then removes everything that is not David.

What an ingenious approach!

And it mimics the way the Lord works in our own lives.

God created us in His image and likeness to have dominion over His creation.

Due to the Fall, our identity was fractured… and this adversely affects us in every way.

But Jesus came to restore God’s design.

For dominion and glory.

This begins as we’re reconciled to the Father through faith.

And it continues as the Lord increasingly conforms us to the likeness of the Son.

Something amazing about this ongoing process is that we participate in it every day…

As the Holy Spirit shows us where we must…

Let go of whatever hinders us…

Including the sins that so easily entangle us…

As we…

Put off the old.

And put on the new.


As you go through today…

Keep in mind…

The Master is carefully chipping away all that is not the real you.

So you would fully reflect who He made you to be…

Making you as fruitful as possible for His kingdom.

“For I am confident of this very thing, that He who began a good work in you will perfect it until the day of Christ Jesus” (Phil. 1:6).

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