Doing life with God today

by | Jun 9, 2023

From the beginning God made us to do life with Him.

It’s how we’re to get dominion in this world.

The first man and woman turned away from this by putting the words of a serpent above those from God.

Yet Jesus, the second Adam, obeyed the Father perfectly…

Putting us in position to do life with God — as He designed it — today.

Practically, living in communion with Him requires two things:

Faith and Repentance.

By faith we rest in God’s favor, believing He is for us.

By repentance we turn to Him in all of life.

It is through faith and repentance we become more like Christ.

And it’s also by faith and repentance we carry out our unique callings.

This applies to everything God gives you to do… in every role.

It’s how we rule and cultivate what He entrusts to our care.

And it’s all possible thanks to the gift of God’s Spirit.

So as you live out your days…

To flourish and fulfill your purpose…

As a believer, friend, citizen, worker, spouse, parent, etc…

Keep in step with the Spirit by prayerfully walking in faith and repentance.

“For all who are led by the Spirit of God are sons of God” (Rom. 8:14).

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