Living in Jeremiah Time

by | Jun 14, 2023

A friend and reader reminded me we are living in ‘Jeremiah Time.’

Jeremiah Time is a reference to the years God’s people were exiled in Babylon, during the ministry of the prophet Jeremiah.

The time is pertinent because of what God wanted His people doing while in Babylon.

He told them to…

“…seek the welfare of the city where I have sent you into exile, and pray to the LORD on its behalf, for in its welfare you will find your welfare” (Jer.29:7).

This direction instructs us for today.

We live as exiles in a Babylon-like world — which is marked by rebellion, secular power, counterfeit blessings, abuse, impurity, etc.

As God’s people, we need to know how to conduct ourselves and focus our energy in such a setting.

The principle of Jeremiah Time helps show the way.

So instead of fearing, hunkering down and doing nothing…

We’re to be active, doing a lot of normal activities to the glory of God…

As we seek the good of our respective cities.

Times of exile are not occasions to give up hope and retreat.

They are opportunities to give careful attention and effort to build up what the Lord puts right before us.

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