The unfinished work of Christ

by | Jun 16, 2023

“The finished work of Christ” is a familiar phrase to Christians.

It refers to the faithful obedience of Jesus which He completed with His death on the cross (Jn.19:30).

It’s on the basis of this finished work Christians have assurance the penalty of their sins has been paid.

But there is also unfinished work Christ continues to do.

As a prophet Jesus keeps revealing God and His will to mankind through His Spirit.

As a priest He intercedes for His people so we continually experience the benefits of His redemption.

And as a king Christ is ruling, and defending us, as He subdues all things under His reign.

Both the finished and unfinished work of Christ bring hope.

Through His finished work we have confidence every failure and sin is covered.

And in His unfinished work we know He is with us, working all things for good.

Even today.

He who began a good work in you will complete it (Phil. 1:6).

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