Take heart… long and hard is normal

by | Jun 20, 2023

In his second letter to his disciple Timothy…

The Apostle Paul uses three metaphors to communicate what living faithfully in God’s kingdom is really like (2 Tim 2:3-6).

These metaphors are:



And farmer.

Each of these metaphors convey commitment…

… involving dedication, hard work, sacrifice, discipline and a long-term perspective.

Keep these metaphors… soldier, athlete, farmer… in mind.

Especially if you ever get discouraged…

… thinking things are too hard and taking too long where God has commissioned you to serve.

Long and hard is normal.

Quick and easy is the exception.

We prefer it wasn’t so.

But remembering it is — no matter where God calls you — encourages the heart and helps you persevere…

As you labor, pray and wait…

For God to bring you a win and its fruit in His time.

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