God can and does change people

by | Jun 28, 2023

The good news of the gospel goes beyond forgiveness.

It includes the fact God can and does change people.

One of the strongest themes of the New Testament is that it’s possible to be born again (Jn.3:3).

And one of its most hopeful promises is…

… “if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creature; the old things passed away; behold, new things have come” (2 Cor. 5:17).

The assumption people can’t change deadens the soul.

And leaves us without hope regarding those we are concerned about–and ourselves.

It is true no man can change himself any more than a leopard can change his spots.

But God can and does change people by the renewing work of His Spirit.

So if you are weary with worry over a lost soul you love, don’t lose heart.

Keep praying and asking the one who holds all hearts in His hands to turn one for you.

And if you are sick and despairing over some part of yourself, do not give up hope there either.

But remember Christ was raised from the dead that you would walk in the newness of life.

Freeing you to step away from your former self and become more of who He made you to be, today.

Thank God. He can and does change people.

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