What do you give a nation for its birthday?

by | Jul 4, 2023

We’re used to giving gifts to celebrate birthdays.

So it’s fitting to consider what to give America for its birthday.

But what kind of gift do you bring a country?

How about a renewed commitment to righteousness?

Proverbs tells us “Righteousness exalts a nation…” (Pr. 14:34).

Not the faux righteousness that comes from following political correctness or virtue signaling.

But true righteousness that acknowledges God and His standards — for all humanity.

A renewed zeal for this righteousness would…

Allow us to recover from the scourge of ‘social justice’… that beats you down and leaves you feeling guilty.

And it would also deliver us from our two-tiered system of justice… that protects the elite ruling class while punishing the people.

A rebirth of righteousness would move us toward true freedom for all.

And, most of all…

A revival of righteousness would turn us to Jesus Christ.

Because the righteousness we need isn’t found in ourselves, but in Him…

And it’s only as we’re restored to Him that we can seek first His kingdom and His righteousness… which is essential to the well-being of nations.

So as we celebrate our nation’s birthday and think about a gift, consider a return to righteousness as the perfect fit.

America’s birth certificate — the Declaration of Independence — holds forth the promise of “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.”

These are all blessings to celebrate.

But to enjoy them on into the future, we must preserve them — with righteousness.

Which only comes from God.

“… where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom” (2 Cor. 3:17).

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