World-builder par excellence

by | Aug 7, 2023

The most popular authors of our time all share a unique skill.

They are all masters of what’s known as ‘world-building.’

For example…

C.S. Lewis crafted Narnia.

J.R.R. Tolkien created his Middle Earth.

And for J.K. Rowling, it’s Muddle World and the Wizarding World.

These fictional spheres have fascinated and enthralled millions of readers.

But no matter how captivating they’ve become, in the end they all point us to the ultimate world-builder: God Himself.

For when God started His story with the words “In the beginning,” He set forth a world that’s incomparable.

It’s unrivaled in its power, glory and variety.

It is matchless in the way it uses Providence to bring together all things — including evil — to accomplish His plan of Redemption.

It is unique in that it is not fictional but REAL.

And, His story can’t be surpassed by the way it’s still being written through characters like you and me.

So take your role in this amazing world He has made seriously.

You are a part of the greatest story there will ever be.

And as you play your part faithfully, He will use you to advance the glorious unfolding adventure.

Great are the works of the LORD; they are pondered by all who delight in them (Psalm 111:2).

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