State of public institutions reflects our need to call on the Lord

by | Aug 24, 2023

A recent poll from Gallup reveals Americans no longer have faith in their public institutions.

Here’s a sample of the levels of confidence people have in some of our major institutions today…

-Small business: 65 percent
-The military: 60 percent
-The medical system: 34 percent
-The church or organized religion: 32 percent
-The presidency: 26 percent
-The criminal justice system: 17 percent
-Television news: 14 percent
-Big business: 14 percent
-Congress: 8 percent

These poor numbers shouldn’t surprise us.

When a society loses its faith in God–as ours has–distrust in its institutions is sure to follow…

Because the health of our institutions depends on God–for He is sovereign, not man.

Therefore, if we hope to regain trust in our institutions, we must recover our faith in God.

Faith is the foundation of a strong social order.

And nations with a social order that leads to human flourishing require men of faith.

So in a time when our institutions are failing, let us not give into cynicism or despair…

Let us return to our Creator from whom all blessings flow.

Let men begin to call on the name of the Lord.

‘Return to me,’ declares the LORD Almighty, ‘and I will return to you’… (Zech. 1:3).

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