World’s simplest Bible outline anyone can remember

by | Aug 25, 2023

God gave us His Word so we would know our purpose and how we’re to carry it out.

But we live in a time when… even in the church… there is a great ignorance of the Bible–and we all suffer for it.

Therefore, reclaiming a knowledge and understanding of the Bible should be a top priority for us.

To that end, consider this simple outline of the word of God.

This is so easy anyone can learn and remember it.

It’s just three points…

I. CREATION (Genesis 1-2)

II. FALL (Genesis 3)

III. REDEMPTION (Genesis 4-Revelation 22)

To elaborate…

I. CREATION (Genesis 1-2)

God reveals how He created man in His image to be fruitful, multiply, rule and cultivate the world with Him.

II. FALL (Genesis 3)

God tells how Satan disrupted this plan by deceiving the first man and woman, leading them to function independently from their Creator.

III. REDEMPTION (Genesis 4-Revelation 22)

God lays out the story of how He redeems humanity and restores His original design through His Son, Jesus Christ.

Hide the truths of this outline in your heart.

As you do, you’ll understand the whole Bible better…

You will also see how its principles continue to apply in the world today.


As the Spirit works in your heart, you will see your place in God’s great plan of redemption in all He calls you to do.

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