The most constructive way to view your adversaries

by | Sep 7, 2023

We live in a highly polarized world.

And this makes it easy to size people up as either FRIENDS or ENEMIES.

But what if we viewed our adversaries differently?

What if instead of seeing them as enemies we thought of them as POTENTIAL ALLIES?

It would certainly change the way we engage those contrary to us.

And probably put us in a better position to win them over.


There’s a strong biblical basis for such an approach.

Think about it…

We all have a lot more in common with our adversaries than we tend to remember.

We’re all:

-Made in God’s image.

-Called to get dominion.

-Afflicted by sin and it’s consequences.

-And redeemable by God’s grace.


As you consider how to deal with those who oppose you, be sure and assess how you’re viewing them.

And strive to interact with them as potential allies rather than enemies.

There’s really no better way.

Especially since…

‘God has reconciled us through Christ and given us a ministry of reconciliation’ (2 Cor. 5:18).

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