A public faith

by | Sep 15, 2023

Here is one of the biggest problems we face:

Too many believers view their faith as just a private matter.

Indeed, our faith must be individual and personal.

But this doesn’t mean we should keep it private.

God intends we would possess and practice a public faith.


The of book Proverbs presents lady wisdom as crying out in the streets (Pr. 1:20).

Why there?

Because it’s in the streets… where people do life… God’s wisdom must be embraced and applied.

Note also…

Jesus directs his followers to be out in the community with their faith… preaching the gospel to every creature (Mk. 16:15).

Why so?

Because He intends the gospel to transform all of creation… as the nations are discipled in His ways.

It was back in the days of ancient Greece that religion was confined to ‘hearth and home.’

The emperors surely liked it that way, because it limited the role of religion and helped protect their sovereign status over the nation.

But in biblical faith ‘Jesus is Lord’ — not Caesar.

And as the “King of kings” it’s His rule we’re to apply to all of life.


Keep your faith well kindled in your heart.

But don’t let it stop there.

Work out what God is working in you…

Wherever He calls you…

Even in public.

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