Meek is not weak… it’s magnificent

by | Sep 29, 2023

I finished yesterday’s missive by quoting Jesus’s words from the Sermon on the Mount:

The meek shall inherit the earth (Mt. 5:5).

A reader responded by noting it might be helpful to consider what “meek” really means.

I agree and will oblige.

The general perception of meekness is that it’s weakness…

Showing little strength, courage or ability to resist…

And inclined to be subservient or comply no matter what comes one’s way… even if it’s ungodly.

But this is not true meekness — at least in the biblical sense.

While the word Jesus uses does convey humility and a spirit of gentleness, there’s more to it than that.

The late theologian RJ Rushdoony noted that the Greeks used the word to speak of taming or bridling a horse.

So once bridled, a horse was not weak but had his strength under control.

Applying this to humans… a meek person is one who is strong but tamed, under the control of God’s Spirit.

And knows how to manage his powers for the sake of righteousness and God’s kingdom.

This is why Moses… a man who confronted Pharaoh and led an unruly mob through the wilderness… was known as the meekest man on earth (Num. 12:3).

He had his strength under control.

So, to be meek is not timid or mousy.

Rather, it’s really quite magnificent…

… when you think of it as a quality that enables us to use our gifts under the control and power of the Spirit.


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