We’re living in a land of opportunity

by | Oct 3, 2023

A big part of how we manage life depends on how we frame things.

For example…

You can look at our troubled times and say…

It’s bad and it’s gonna get worse.

And then retreat in fear.

While waiting for bad things to happen.


What if you took a different approach?

And reframed the scenario by saying…

Look at all the opportunities!

Opportunities to:

– Pray

– Increase faith

– Grow in character

– Seek wisdom

– Become more reliant on God

– Get better connected to others

– Come up with fresh ideas

– Start something new

– Be bolder and braver

– Etc.

Notice the difference in framing?

The former has rolled over in defeat; the latter has hope and vision.

An excellent example of a man who knew how to reframe things is the Apostle Paul.

He did not allow his own failings and ongoing experience of persecution stifle him.

Rather, he reframed his existence through the grace and power of God…

To pursue life with a mission.

And in so doing, he transformed the Mediterranean world!

You can change your world with your life too.

It’s all in how you frame it.

We’re living in a land of opportunity.

So be alert to the opportunities God is giving you to be a light to the world every day (Mt. 5:14).


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