The core of your identity

by | Oct 4, 2023

What is the core of your identity?

If we find our identity in our accomplishments, roles or status, we are on shaky ground.

Because over time, things change.

Accomplishments no longer impress.

Roles shift.

Status often declines.

And this can leave you wondering about your identity — and your place in the world.

But if you find your identity outside of yourself…

In the fact you are an image-bearer of God (Gen.1:25)…

Fearfully and wonderfully made (Ps. 139:14)…

And adopted to be His child (Jn.1:12)…

Then you are secure…

And free to live under the favor of the Father…

Without anything to prove to the watching word…

As you humbly yet confidently carry out whatever He calls you to do.

As long as you have breath.

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