God’s design for marriage

by | Oct 10, 2023

From the beginning God intended man and woman to function together as dominion partners.

And He made them to rule and cultivate a little portion of the world together — all in a way that advances His kingdom.

Sadly, sin makes every marriage malfunction.

But Jesus — as Redeemer — makes it so a couple can work together as God designed.

And bear fruit that will bless generations to come.

This means every husband is called to lead his wife with vision and love.

And every wife is called to partner with her husband as a helper and completer.

Our present culture has forsaken this design.

It has flattened the glorious roles and distinctions of man and woman.

In its place it has made the idols of independence, personal fulfillment and maximum sexual experience the pursuits of a lifetime.

And we are reaping the fruit of this… in the form of discontent, division, bitterness, divorce and regret.

God’s design for marriage may be old.

But it’s been specially crafted as His ordinary method for accomplishing the purpose He has for us in the world.

And when we humbly embrace this pattern for our lives, He blesses in ways we can’t imagine.

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