The number one quality that distinguishes men

by | Nov 2, 2023

What is the number one quality that separates the men from the boys?

Men take responsibility.

Initiative, courage and sacrifice are also qualities that set men apart.

But responsibility is primary.

Men don’t make excuses.

They take ownership.

And they do what faithfulness requires in any situation.

Adam gives a negative example of this…

In the way he failed to protect the garden — then hid from God and blamed his wife.

Yet Jesus, the second Adam, presents a totally different picture…

He embraced the calling the Father gave Him… and was obedient to the point of death as He laid down His life for His sheep.

The challenge for every man is to take responsibility in whatever he is facing — even though he may want to flee.

Taking responsibility often begins by humbly repenting…

And may involve seeking help.

But at its heart, the responsible man trusts God to lead him and see him through.

And in this trust he has hope.

“I am the LORD your God, who teaches you to benefit, Who leads you in the way you should go” (Is. 48:17).

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