The purpose of wealth

by | Nov 7, 2023

Wealth is a double-edged sword.

And understanding this helps us know how to relate to it.

If you make wealth the measure of your value and source of security, it becomes an idol that takes the place of God.

But if you view wealth as a way to extend God’s kingdom, it’s an instrument of blessing to use for good.

The Bible’s view on wealth is generally positive…

When it functions as the fruit of diligence (Pr. 10:4), a reward for humility (Pr. 22:4) and part of one’s legacy (Pr. 13:22).

Yet wealth carries risks.

It can lead to arrogance (1 Tim. 6:17), self-sufficiency (Lk. 12:17ff. ) and presumption (1 Tim. 6:9).

And, it can even keep one from entering God’s kingdom (Mt. 19:24).

So we need to approach wealth with great thought and care.

And this starts by remembering what it’s for.

The purpose of wealth — from the beginning — is dominion for God (Gen. 1:28).

This is why He gives us whatever prosperity He does… so we would use it to advance His work on the earth.

And we need to remember too…

He is also the one who gives the ability to produce wealth (Dt. 8:18).

Remembering wealth’s purpose and source gives us the perspective we need…

… to keep our hearts in the right place when it comes to money.

To prevent it from becoming an idol…

And to guide us in the use of all God provides.

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