Doing life with God

by | Nov 8, 2023

God created us to do life with Him.

He made this clear from the way He set things up in the beginning, in the Garden.

But Adam chose to do life without His Creator.

And as his offspring we are inclined to do the same thing every day.

Jesus came to reconcile this situation.

And not only provide forgiveness, but put us in the place to do life with the Father, as designed.

So much of our alienation and fear comes from taking care of business on our own, priding ourselves in our independence… as we do life without God.

But God intends that we collaborate with Him.

And from that place of security we are to join Him in great works He is doing in the world.

So embrace the adventure of doing life with the one who made you.

Cast all your anxieties on Him…

And draw near to Him, to lead you in the way you should go (Is. 48:17).

Doing life with God — not on our own — is to do life as it’s meant to be done….

And it’s the only way to fulfill the purpose He has for you.

“Trust in the LORD with all your heart, And lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He shall direct your paths” (Pr.3:5-6).

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