You’re going to rule angels someday

by | Nov 9, 2023

In his first letter to the Corinthians Paul reveals an astounding truth (1 Cor. 6:1-11)…

The day is coming when God’s people will judge the world — including angels!

How about that for some insight on what we’ll be doing in the future!!

But, it also gets us thinking about how we handle matters in the present.

Think about it…

If we’re going to rule the created order with God in the future, shouldn’t we make a practice of ruling well with Him today?

In fact, Paul makes this very point to the church at Corinth.

Specifically, he tells them it was to their shame that they were taking one another to unrighteous, secular courts… instead of wisely making rulings among themselves.

With a tone of rebuke, he asks:

Is it so that there is not among you one wise man who will be able to decide between his brethren (1Cor. 6:5)?


What is the upshot of this for us today?

God’s people should get good at settling disputes…

By having strong hearts to enter breaches…

And become what Jesus calls “peacemakers” (Mt. 5:9).

Unfortunately, Christians prize being nice and avoiding conflict… so we tend to dodge situations that need resolving.

And as a result…

Wounds fester, hearts harden and matters drag on unsettled… making us all cynical and weak.

Yet, if you consider what Paul is saying, it’s clear…

When it comes to squabbles… we need to be willing to get involved, bring people together and take the lead in finding solutions.

Yeah, it may give you butterflies.

And it definitely requires looking to God for wisdom…

And courage…

Especially in our culture, where everyone’s afraid of taking a stand on anything controversial.

But we’re going to rule the world one day.

So it makes sense to get in the practice of ruling now.

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