Rising up to lead

by | Nov 10, 2023

Most people do not see themselves as leaders.

So they watch and hope and pray someone will appear who can save us from our troubles.

Watching, hoping and praying aren’t bad things.

But we can do more than these…

Most of us are capable of leading and bringing about change far more than we realize.

Leaders were not born with with a special gene that others don’t have.

What sets leaders apart is that they observe situations and envision how to improve them.

And then they take action…

Which may require courage and a willingness to sacrifice.

Understood this way, anyone is capable of leading — on some level.

The Bible bears this out…

As we see God using ordinary men (and women) to lead others in carrying out His redemptive purposes.

What was special about leaders like Moses (a shepherd), Nehemiah (a cupbearer) and the Apostles (who were primarily fishermen)?

God gave them hearts to see what needed addressing in their midst.

And they didn’t ignore it.

Rather… out of love, concern and faithfulness took steps to act in keeping with what they understood.

You can do likewise.

You don’t need to be in a prominent position or extraordinarily gifted either.

Just ask God to show you what you need to see and what you can do in the domains He has placed you.

You will not be able to measure all the benefits your action might bring.

Or the number of people you might inspire.

But you can be sure… rising up to lead where you can will do a lot more good than doing nothing.

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