Trusting Him who provides

by | Nov 20, 2023

A big part of following God’s call on your life is trusting He will provide along the way.

And unfortunately, many callings have gone unfilled because of doubts He would come through.

But let us take heart today from one of the greatest displays of God’s provision ever!

In Genesis 22 we have the account of God directing Abraham to sacrifice his son, Isaac.

In response to this test, Abraham headed to Mt. Moriah… taking his son — along with wood, fire and a knife.

As the site of sacrifice drew near, Isaac asked his dad where the lamb was for the burnt offering.

Abraham must have been praying about the same thing… as He plodded on in faith.

And soon he faced the moment to complete his own Father’s difficult instructions.

Yet when the need was at its greatest, the Lord showed him a ram caught in a thicket.

After offering the animal in the place of his son, Abraham gave no further thought to the severity of his trial.

And He focused instead on God’s faithfulness…

By naming the place ‘Jehovah-Jireh”… which means ‘God will provide.’

Today, you may find yourself stuck between whatever God is calling you to do and questions about His provision.

You may wonder whether He will provide… either the funds, knowledge, skills, courage or strength you need.

The message from Mt. Moriah is:

Keep going. Don’t stop trusting Him who provides.

Your urgency is God’s opportunity.

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