The adventure of living

by | Nov 21, 2023

Half a century ago a Swiss doctor named Paul Tournier wrote an insightful book called ‘The Adventure of Living.’

His thesis was simple but profound:

God made us to experience an adventure in living with Him…

… and most of our anxieties, afflictions and dissatisfactions come from our unwillingness to embrace that adventure — with Him.

I believe most people — deep down — want adventure.

We’re wired for it.

And it’s why we shun the tedious and pursue what’s exciting…

… in a variety of forms, including everything from entertainment to affairs.

Yet for all our desire for adventure, we want it on our terms.

We want to control it and bring it about according to our liking.

And if we can’t, it makes us anxious and unsettled.

This is why we also tend to resist change…

Since change involves losing control.

And here Tournier is really helpful.

Because He points out…

The only way to experience the life of adventure we seek — in a way that’s maximized, healthy and not destructive — is to surrender to God.

And believe that by trusting Him… through any and all changes… life becomes satisfying.

And meaningful too.

As He makes us a part of His larger adventure of bringing redemption the world.

So as you think about your own life… and your own desire to escape the humdrum and enjoy some adventure…


The greatest adventures always begin by submitting to Jesus as Lord, who is the Alpha and Omega of a fulfilling life.

To quote Tournier:

“Life can become once more a grand adventure if we will surrender it to God. He brings one adventure to an end, only to open another to us. With him we must be ready for anything.”

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