Gratitude and growth

by | Nov 22, 2023

The Apostle Paul tells us we’re to give thanks in everything (1 Thess. 5:18).

This is more than just an appropriate response to the goodness of God’s grace…

We need gratitude to grow in that grace.

Ingratitude is a form of unbelief.

It expresses a presumption that God doesn’t know what He’s doing, and should treat us better.

But gratitude trusts the sovereign Lord really is working out all things for good.

And it believes He is always for us.

When we’re in a state of ingratitude, we’re stuck. Our growth is stunted.

And we can only advance as far as our limited abilities will take us.

But when we’re grateful, we’re free to flourish…

As we see God at work… moving us forward into blessings unknown… through ways we cannot comprehend.

Every day we have a choice whether we’re going to live with ingratitude or gratitude.

In an entitled culture like ours, living with an ungrateful heart comes easy.

But choose gratitude.

Your growth and the blessings that follow depend on it.

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