The devil’s strategy

by | Dec 1, 2023

There’s an old saying that says you should “know your enemy.”

And this certainly applies to believers… who need to know how the devil works against them.

So what is the devil’s strategy?

At it’s most basic level: it’s to challenge and undo God’s design for humanity.

In the beginning God created man and woman to fill and rule the earth together — with Him (Gen. 1:28).

This was God’s mandate for us.

But the devil, in all his covetousness and hatred, has plotted to overthrow this plan.

He pursued it from the start by getting the first man and woman to act like they were God…

… and remove what theologians call ‘the creator-creature distinction.’

Yet the devil doesn’t stop here…

He’s long brought his attacks against God’s design in other ways too…

And we’re falling for them in our own day.

For example…

God made us in His image…

… but we ignore this truth about our humanity, as schools continue to dehumanize kids by teaching them they’re nothing more than sophisticated animals, rather than image-bearers of their Creator.

God also created differences between males and females… so they would function as complementary beings, suited to fulfill His plan…

… but today’s institutions attempt to upend this reality by pushing sexual ideologies that confuse, corrupt and further dehumanize us.

And, God made us to be fruitful as well…

… but here too we’ve fallen for the devil’s strategy… through not only our commitment to abortion on demand, but our enchantment with socialist fantasies… which discourage fruitfulness by way of faith in the state to oversee us and provide.

So know your enemy well, dear reader.

The devil hasn’t changed his playbook…

It’s still all about overthrowing God’s design, as he seeks to undermine our faith in Him.

Let us not be ignorant of his schemes.

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