Going where God calls

by | Dec 14, 2023

One of the ways God works in our lives is that He calls us to do certain things.

And when we receive a call, we ought to answer it with obedience… since there are consequences to how we respond.

A negative example of this is Jonah.

God called Jonah to Nineveh to urge the nation to repent.

But instead of complying, he got on a ship and sailed the other way.

Which ultimately landed him in the belly of a fish.

As a positive example, we have a story from the life of Paul.

The book of Acts tells us how the Holy Spirit prevented Paul from ministering in Asia, and summoned him to Macedonia instead (Acts 16:6-10).

When Paul got this call, He answered it immediately.

And from that point forward he never set foot east of Jerusalem again.

He took the gospel west.

And with this as his focus he laid the foundation of Western civilization.

As you think about your own life, consider how God may be calling you.

If you find certain plans just aren’t working out or blocked, He may be calling you in another direction.

Sure, God may never give you as clear a call He gave Jonah or Paul.

But if He gives you a whisper to do something specific, do it.

You will never go wrong going where He calls.

Even more, it’s the way to best fulfill His purpose for your life.

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