Two predictions plus one recommendation for 2024

by | Jan 1, 2024

Do you enjoy reading forecasts for the new year?

Sometimes these forecasts are just for fun.

But many bring insight and value that can help you prepare for the year ahead.

Well, in keeping with the tradition of start-of-the-year prognostications, I have a couple of predictions — plus a recommendation — of my own.

Prediction #1:

Our cultural institutions will continue to push ideas that defy reality.  Especially concerning issues like gender, basic economics, justice, climate, health, etc.

Prediction #2:

More people will awaken to the lies being pushed on them via propaganda and decrees. And they will start to push pack, refuse to cooperate, look for alternative narratives, etc.

Now in light of these predictions, I offer this recommendation…

If you want to be among the awakened… and help reconstruct your world so it’s based on truth rather than lies… then consume a lot of the Bible in 2024.

Saturating yourself in God’s Word is the best thing you can do to immune yourself against deceptive falsehoods and stay rooted in reality.

Because it’s the Bible that will keep you grounded in the great truths concerning:

– God’s creational norms… like the fact He made us male and female to rule and cultivate the world with Him.

– The Fall… and its devastating effects it on our hearts, values, choices.

– And Redemption… which we receive as we yield to Christ’s gracious Lordship over all.

So resolve to take in more Bible this year…

… Make a plan for ingesting it every day.

… Listen to it, as faith comes by hearing.

… And take advantage of the Bible apps available today (like Blue Letter Bible).

Constantly orient your understanding of the world by regularly consuming the Bible.

It is one of the best things you can do in 2024.

Even if my predictions are wrong.

All Scripture is inspired by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness; so that the man of God may be adequate, equipped for every good work (2 Tim. 3:16-17).

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