Wouldn’t it be nice if life was like following a recipe?
It’s tempting to want to think of it that way…
… just pull together the necessary ingredients, mix them up, wait a while… and you have a successful result!
But life isn’t like following a recipe.
God calls us to live with uncertainties. By faith.
One of the best illustrations of this is Abraham…
Who followed God to receive what He had for him — even though he didn’t know where he was going (Heb. 11:8).
As the sons of Abraham, we too are to live trusting God to lead us on an unclear path (Gal. 3:7).
That means…
Getting comfortable with the unknown…
And taking risks with courage…
While believing He is in control of all things.
If we expect life to be like a paint-by-numbers kit, we will miss the glory of what God has for us.
But with faith, we can enter into the fulness of how He wants to work in our lives and use us.
What unknown territory is God calling you to enter into today?
‘The righteous shall live by faith’ (Gal. 3:11).