There are many who see Christ’s kingdom as an entirely future phenomenon.
And this tends to limit the expectation of what God can do in these days.
But the reality is, Christ’s kingdom is already present.
When Jesus began His ministry, He said that the kingdom of God is at hand (Mk. 1:15).
And He cast out demons to show the power of His kingdom has come upon us (Mt. 12:28).
When the Pharisees asked Jesus when the kingdom would come, He told them the kingdom of God was not coming with observable signs, but was already in their midst (Lk. 17:20).
And in one of the most encouraging references to the presence of the kingdom…
The Apostle Paul says to believers: you’ve been transferred from the domain of darkness to the kingdom of God’s beloved son (Col. 1:13).
So dear friend, the kingdom of God is a present reality. Here. Now.
Yes, there is a future aspect… as a seed grows into a tree.
But the encouragement to receive today is that this world’s darkness is not all there is.
God’s kingdom is here, active and growing… as yeast works in bread.
And through faith in Christ you’ve been transferred into that kingdom…
You are a partaker of the inheritance of the saints in light (Col. 1:12).
And every day you get to fulfill your unique calling with hope and joy under His increasing rule.