No one likes experiencing afflictions.
And when we face them, we want to get out from under them as quickly as we can.
But we must remember…
God uses afflictions for good.
When we encounter troubles, we are more inclined to look to the Lord…
To seek His help.
And as we do…
He uses our afflictions to show us new things…
Things we hadn’t seen or were unable to understand before.
This is why the psalmist says it was good for him to be afflicted…
… because through it he learned God’s statutes (Ps. 119:71).
The word ‘statutes’ here has to do with what God prescribes.
This may involve a change in thinking… beliefs… or actions.
So as you come under afflictions, do not despair.
Go to God and see what prescription He has for you.
Ask Him if there is something new He wants you to consider, believe or do.
And carry on with expectancy and joy as you look to see what He will bring about…
… knowing He is using your trial to make you ‘perfect and complete, lacking in nothing’ (Jas. 1:4).