The need for nonconformists

by | Feb 5, 2024

The Bible directs us to be nonconformists.

How about that!?

It exhorts us to not be conformed to the world, but be transformed by the renewing of our minds (Rom. 12:2).

Nonconformity is an essential practice for all who want to fulfill their God-given purpose.

And we should become accustomed to it.

The system of this world is constantly seeking to make you agreeable to its ways.

To shape you into its mold.

And make you go in the direction it desires.

Resisting this is difficult.

It’s often so much easier and advantageous to just go along with the system.

But the kingdom of God has broken into the world.

And God has called you to represent Him as an ambassador of this kingdom as you follow His Son in the unique post He has assigned you.

Faithfulness here takes a constant renewing of the mind.

And testing all things…

To see if they be in keeping with the will of God for your station in the world.

This is hard too.

We’re much more inclined to act on feeling… or just do… than think things through according to God’s Word… and His design for us.

But it’s in abiding in His Word… even in the face of a hostile culture… that we bear fruit with our lives.

And though nonconforming may not come easy, it’s part of God’s plan for a life that makes a difference.

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