A better way to respond to trouble

by | Feb 21, 2024

Facing trouble is an ordinary part of life.

And ever since the fall of mankind people have faced all kinds of difficulties…

… health troubles, financial troubles, transportation troubles, relationship troubles, troubles with safety and security, troubles finding purpose, troubles moving forward, and so on.

The biblical character Job describes our situation well by saying:

“… as surely as sparks fly upward, man is born for trouble” (Job 5:7).

The big question regarding trouble is not whether you’ll face it, but how you’ll respond.

The temptation is to react by sighing, blaming, complaining, worrying, getting angry, etc.

None of these responses, of course, help anything.

So what if we just accepted the reality that troubles are a given in a fallen world?

And instead of reacting, we responded by shifting into problem-solving mode?

And rather than giving precious time, energy and attention to griping, we focused on solutions?

Or, in MfD language…

We asked God for help getting dominion in the situations we find ourselves?


Even in your troubles, God has a purpose for you to accomplish.

So here’s a challenge for you I’m working on myself…

When you face troubles, resist the temptation to grumble — even inwardly.

And instead look to the Lord and ASK for help solving problems.

Ask Him what He wants you to know and do in whatever you’re up against.

And He will help you.

“My help comes from the LORD, the Maker of heaven and earth” (Ps. 121:2).


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