Life gets simpler when you know your obligations.
And the Bible speaks to our most basic obligation when it tells us…
We’re not obligated to the flesh, but to the Spirit (Rom. 8:12ff).
To live in obligation to the flesh is to live as a slave to immorality, idolatry, anger, selfish ambition, etc. (Gal. 5:19-21).
These deeds arise from a heart dominated by fear and unbelief.
But those who believe are free from this bondage.
And have a new obligation to the Spirit… as sons of God and joint heirs with Jesus.
Thanks to the Spirit’s leading…
We are able to put to death the deeds of the flesh.
And walk in love, joy, peace, etc… as we carry out our callings.
So remember your most basic obligation…
Your obligation to the Spirit.
Living in the flesh derails you from living in God’s design.
For it’s the Spirit who sets you free to live as a child of God in your unique calling in His kingdom.