The primary way we serve God is by serving others who bear His image.
In other words…
Serving God is not primarily an abstract practice, where we just think pious thoughts.
It involves activity.
Whereby we seek to help others flourish, physically and spiritually.
Understanding this is so important to seeing the value of what you do…. and can do.
Since there are so many ways we can help people flourish.
By way of:
– the work we do
– listening to others
– providing encouragement
– giving opportunites
– sharing resources
– assisting with a project
– providing advice or counsel
– being a role model
– sharing skills
– giving meaningful gifts
– providing practical assistance with a need
– And a whole lot more
Pondering this can put a fresh twist on everything you do.
Because so much of what you do can help others thrive…
And be a way of serving God.
“As each one has received a special gift, employ it in serving one another as good stewards of the manifold grace of God” (1 Pet. 4:10).