Should you care about the growing surveillance state?

by | Apr 17, 2024

More and more we are living in a surveillance state.

Where every move you make is monitored by a growing web of technology.

Should you care?

Some say no, believing they have nothing to hide, and that our security warrants it.

Others say absolutely, as they view mass surveillance as not just creepy but a serious invasion of privacy.

I’m in the camp of those who see the trend toward mass surveillance as alarming.

But I view it as something more than just a threat to privacy.

It’s part of the state’s attempt to replace God.

Only the true God has the attributes of omnipresence and omniscience.

Only He can be everywhere and know everything.

When a population loses faith in this God, something takes His place.

Eventually this becomes the state.

And in its effort to function as god and gain total control, the state seeks to be in every place and know everything it can.

Which in the end brings oppression and tyranny.

This is the way it’s been with every godless regime in history.

And it’s the way it will be with every modern state that seeks to take the place of God today.

So should you care you are constantly being listened to and watched?

I think you absolutely should.

And I believe concerns in this area should lead us all to seek the true God…

Who alone sees all and knows all…

Provides security…

And has the mercy and power to turn hearts to Him.

“The eyes of the LORD are in every place, watching the evil and the good” (Pr. 15:3).

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