Some good news about young men

by | Apr 22, 2024

I’ve got some encouraging news regarding young men.

According to my own informal research, online reading, and conversations with younger men…

There’s a growing number who are refusing to bow the knee to the reigning follies of our age.

They believe these follies are a threat–not just to themselves, but to what the world will become.

These men have too much of their lives ahead of them to do nothing.

So they are done pretending lies are true.

And will not be gaslit or psychologically manipulated otherwise.

They are determined to embrace reality.

Knowing that living as God designed the world is what’s faithful, true and best for all.

One writer describes this as a ‘vibe shift,’ in which young men are…

– saying no to hyperglobalism and focusing on improving life closer to home

– rejecting androgyny and embracing that men and women are different

– laughing at attempts to demonize men and cheerfully proclaiming ‘dudes rock’

– ditching childless nihilism and saying having kids is good

– refusing to subordinate to the whims and anxieties of activists and bureaucrats and relearning to trust their eyes and ears

– spurning the fake and therapeutic and reclaiming what’s authentic and concrete

– no longer living by lies but speaking the truth whatever the cost

– and resisting hopelessness and choosing to build instead

This shift among young men is sure to disrupt the status quo.

And provide opportunities for constructive change.

The Bible tells us young men are to be ‘sensible’ and of ‘sound mind’ (Titus 2:6).

It seems that God is raising up such men today.

If this is so, it’s going shake things up for good.

May their numbers increase.

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