Answering the fundamental questions of life isn’t hard

by | Apr 26, 2024

It’s really quite amazing.

For all our learning and sophistication we struggle to answer the most fundamental questions of life.

Questions like:

…What does it mean to be human?

…What is a woman?

…Or what is the point of life?

In fact, a student can now go to a university for four years, pay as much as 300,000 USDs, and come out more confused about these questions than before he or she enrolled.

But the answers are available.

To anyone who wants them.

For free.

Because God revealed them in the first chapter of the Bible.

Let’s look and see…

Where did we come from?

In the beginning God created… (Gen. 1:1).

Who are we?

We’re image-bearers of God, created male and female… (Gen. 1:27).

What are we here for?

To be fruitful, multiply, fill the earth and subdue it… (Gen. 1:28).

Of course, to embrace these answers you must accept the authority of the Bible.

Which I’m perfectly fine with.

As it makes more sense to get the answers to the basic questions of life from our creator God than trying to find them apart from Him.

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