The original man-building system

by | May 10, 2024

More people are seeing the need to build up men in our day.

And there’s a small movement seeking to accomplish this very thing.

This is good.

But we must never forget…

Efforts to help men should be based on the original man-building system God gave us a long time ago (Gen.1:26-28; 2:15).

This is based on two parts…

1) A man recognizing he’s been created in God’s image…

Which gives him his identity.

2) A man seeing he’s been commissioned to rule and cultivate the earth by using his gifts in dependence on his Creator…

Which gives him his purpose.

So with this in mind…

Building up men really comes down to helping them get in their bones who God made them to be and what He’s given them to do.

The more a man embraces this and lives it out, the stronger he becomes as a biblically functioning man.


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