Fulfilling the roles of prophet, priest and king

by | May 15, 2024

In His humanity Jesus carried out three offices — prophet, priest and king.

And today all who are in Christ are to undertake the same.

So how do you carry out these offices now?

… By teaching and pointing out the ways of God you fulfill the role of a prophet.

… By praying, defending the truth and helping others in their relationship with God you fulfill the role of a priest.

… And by resisting evil, pursuing good, and ruling well in your various domains you fulfill the role of a king.

In executing these offices it’s easy to be stronger in one than another.

For example, you might find it easier to pray for someone than speak the truth to them.

But it’s by functioning within all these offices–as much as you are able–that you will be most effective in advancing God’s kingdom.


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