It’s hard to fulfill the purpose God has for you if you are carrying baggage.
And there are all kinds of baggage we can carry.
Among the heaviest is that which comes from strained or broken relationships.
The frustration, grief, regret, isolation, anxiety, resentment and hurt that these situations bring can really weigh you down.
So it’s not surprising scripture exhorts us to deal with relational issues.
And not just because God wants us to get along with people.
He knows the baggage of unresolved relational issues keep us from reaching our potential in His kingdom.
So if you have any relationships that need tending, seek to reconcile them as soon as you can.
Pray about them.
Think about your approach.
And then go and humbly engage.
Your effectiveness in God’s kingdom depends on resolving tense relationships…
As much as you are able.
“If possible, so far as it depends on you, be at peace with all men” (Rom. 12:18).