The stories you tell yourself

by | May 22, 2024

We are story-telling creatures.

This is not surprising since God made us in His image… and participants in His grand narrative of creation, fall and redemption.

Among the most powerful stories are those we tell ourselves.

But these stories are often destructive…

As we look at our past or current circumstances and tell ourselves a gloomy tale.

These tales tend to assume the worst, cast the future in a bad light, and are absent of hope.

They are also usually based on a bunch of falsehoods.

So be careful of the stories you tell yourself.

Make sure they are based on truth.

Especially the truth that if your are reading this…

And your faith is in Christ…

God is not done with you.

He is at work as He continues to unfold His glorious story of redemption.

And your story–which is a subplot of His–is not over.

May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing… Rom. 15:13.

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