Are You Riding the Brakes?

by | Jun 7, 2024

“Come, follow me…” (Mt. 4:19).

One of my pet peeves is driving behind someone who rides their brakes.

There you are, moving along in traffic…

And the brake lights keep coming on from the car in front of you–for no apparent reason.

It’s exasperating!

Well, drivers aren’t the only ones who ride the brakes.

We can do it in our walk with God, too…

Knowing the direction He wants us to go…

Yet putting on the brakes instead of following Him there.

There may be various reasons for halting like this:

– fear and uncertainty

– comfort and attachment to the familiar

– lack of trust or faith

– perceived inadequacy from self-doubt or comparisons

– family or cultural pressure

– sin and temptation

– negative past experiences

Any of these can stop us short of where God wants us to go.

What about you?

Are you riding the brakes in some area where you know God wants you to follow?

If so, ask Him to show you why.

And for the grace to overcome it…

So you can accelerate on the road He has for you.

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