In the secular West, many will tell you the goal of life is personal happiness.
But is this really our highest value?
In a culture where man is the measure of all things, it may seem like it.
But if there is a God who created us souls, we must have a higher, transcendent purpose.
And the Bible affirms we do.
In its very first chapter, God says He made us to get dominion over the earth and develop it with Him.
And, Jesus revealed life is about more than carefree consumption when he told the devil, “Man cannot live on bread alone” (Mt. 4:4).
If we live without the spiritual values these teachings reflect, we become hollow and miss the big purpose God has for us.
Ironically, it pushes us toward unhappiness too.
God isn’t against you being happy.
But if we make happiness our reason for living, it becomes an idol that we can never satisfy.
And eventually we get tired and discontent from chasing the wind.
So where does one find happiness?
In God’s design, it’s a by product of living with Him and growing spiritually as we fulfill our place in His kingdom.
“Only He who made man makes man happy.”
~Saint Augustine