True faith is active

by | Aug 12, 2024

True faith is active, not passive.

And it’s only such faith that accomplishes what God intends.

We see examples of this in…

– Abraham obeying God to go to an unknown land…

– Moses leading the Israelites across the Red Sea…

– Joshua following God’s unusual battle plan at the city of Jericho…

– David trusting God to deliver him from Goliath with a only slingshot…

– Elijah relying on God’s power as he challenged the prophets of Baal…

– The parlytic’s friends when they lowered him through a roof…

– The woman with the issue of blood who pushed through the crowd to touch Jesus…

– The centurion who asked Jesus to heal his servant with just a word…

– Peter walking on water toward Jesus…

– Paul and Silas singing praises despite their imprisonment.

All true faith leads to movement in some direction.

How can you put this into practice today?




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