Your delegated authority

by | Aug 15, 2024

In the first chapter of the Bible, God says of mankind:

“Let them have dominion…” (v. 26)

From these words, we see that God delegated authority to mankind before Adam was even born.

As image-bearers of God and offspring of Adam, we share in this delegated authority.

This means God wants you to rule and cultivate the domains of your life on His behalf.

And we might add… we have the responsibility to do so.

Understanding the delegated authority we have from God helps shape the vision we have for our lives.

It strengthens us to do the good God has put in our hearts and hands to do.

It reminds us to live as those who will one day give an account for our service.

And it leads us to do everything we do in His name.

“Though all the peoples walk each in the name of his god, as for us, we will walk in the name of the LORD our God forever and ever” (Mic. 4:5).

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