Does God care about culture?

by | Aug 16, 2024

It’s often debated whether Christians should concern themselves with culture.

One way to answer this is by asking, “Is God concerned about culture?”

A quick look at the book of Genesis gives us a clear answer: yes.

First, in Genesis 2:15, God charged Adam to cultivate and keep the Garden of Eden.

This was the beginning of godly culture-building.

And we know God intended this effort to expand beyond Eden because of His command to “be fruitful and multiply.”

Second, God destroys ungodly cultures.

Cultures are not neutral in God’s eyes.

They either reflect His glory or defy Him.

When defiance becomes terminal—as in the days of Noah or at the Tower of Babel—God wipes the culture out.

Third, God has a plan to bring godly culture to the world.

With the call of Abraham, God initiated His project to bless all nations.

At the core of this plan was the righteousness of faith demonstrated by Abraham.

It’s through this faith godly cultures are established.

And we are part of Abraham’s culture-building legacy through faith in Jesus Christ (Gal. 3:29).

So, yes, a brief survey of Genesis makes it plain: God is concerned about culture.

And He desires His people to cultivate cultures that embody the truths and values of His kingdom.

It’s in this way we’re to concern ourselves with culture too.

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